Web Hosting Control Panel’s 1 Click Framework Installer
A PHP 1 Click Framework Installer that will be definitely user–friendly and uncomplicated

When using the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer integrated in the Voila Web Hosting Control Panel, you can quickly get a new PHP framework for your brand new enterprise. No need to search for the most current release of a framework and waste time setting it up. All you have to do is only select the location of the PHP framework and click on the Install button.
Many different frameworks available
Kick–start your online enterprise using a framework
Via the Voila Web Hosting Control Panel, you are able to add a popular open–source PHP framework. We have prepared an assortment of the most common frameworks that are presently available on the www – CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII. You are able to incorporate every framework on any site that is hosted in your hosting account.
The PHP 1 Click Framework Installer tool is offered with all of the web hosting services that come with the Web Hosting Control Panel – cloud plans, VPS web hosting plans,dedicated web hosting plans, and semi-dedicated hosting plans.
1–click PHP framework installation
Your PHP framework is merely a click away
The PHP 1 Click Framework Installer is made to allow for you to launch your web initiatives really easy. Within the tool you will find integrated Voila’s quick setup technology that offers you an option to type in your preferences and start the installation process with merely a click of the mouse.
You can now install a PHP framework with simply a click of the mouse. All you have to do is choose where to install it in the server. Our smart tool will perform the configuration job for you, to help you start employing your framework instantly.
1–click backup
The easiest method to back up a framework
Every solid coder recognizes that it is important to have a backup of one’s project to rely on in case of a problem. This is the reason, we added a 1–click backup instrument to the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer. It can help you to back up your current framework including all transformations you have made, with simply a click.
There’s no backup limit. Provided that you have available disk space in the account, you can create as many backups as you would like.